CONGRATULATIONS on the first step towards becoming an


As an integrative veterinarian I've heard countless times the regretful phrases: "I wish I had known sooner" or "if only I had listened." These words echo in my mind, driving me to empower pet parents like you with crucial knowledge and tools to make empowered and informed decisions.

The full course have 5 modules

Integrative Veterinarian Medicine Course – Module 1

Integrative Veterinarian Medicine Course – Module 2

Integrative Veterinarian Medicine Course – Module 3

Integrative Veterinarian Medicine Course – Module 4 Ozone

Integrative Veterinarian Medicine Course – Module 5 Laser

Are You Frustrated Having To Tell Clients 'There's Nothing More To Be Done' For Their Pet?

Are you concerned antibiotics are soon to be useless due to rising antibiotic resistance?

Is your toolbox up to the complexity of today's dis-eases?

Are you frustrated that after steroids, chemo, radiation and surgical intervention, the traditional world has little to offer?

Have you had to deliver the terrible news that their pet has cancer?

We love our clients pets - they are our family members too!

When their fur babies become ill, pet parents often feel helpless and scared. Sadly, we too may feel guilty that it was our lack of knowledge and limited toolkit that contributed to the pet's health challenge.

With proper understanding of the body's biology, creating a sustainable lifestyle and addressing the root cause of dis-ease, our patients can live their longest and healthiest life.

There Are Solutions Outside Of The Conventional Medical Model!

It's Time For A Paradigm Shift!

I have crafted an on-demand nearly 14 hour course, broken down into 6 Modules that takes veterinarians on a deep dive to learn new tools for diagnostics, advanced integrative treatments and foster a deep understanding of the biology of the body - All to dramatically impact the health and well-being of our fur patients.

We all want a life of thriving, not just surviving.

Early detection using advanced integrative diagnostics allows us to identify and rectify imbalances, resolving or preventing the development of dis-ease.

Practice Health Care, Not Broke Care

The Integrative Veterinary Medicine Covers....

Expand Your Diagnostic Toolkit

Explore diagnostics beyond CBC, chemistry, urinalysis and x-rays.

Working With The Body's Biology

Learn how to turn on/off metabolic pathways that deal with health and longevity.

Cancer Treatment

Cancer is a mitochondrial dysfunction. Learn how to repair and enhance cellular communication, allowing the body to heal.

Provide More Options

No longer need to tell clients “There is nothing more we can do.” There's always something to offer, especially quality of life.

Traditional training focus on naming and blaming then providing a pharmaceutical or surgery to treat the symptom.

Integrative medicine focuses on treating the root cause of the disease.

Dogs today are living 7 years shorter than they did 20 years ago

1:1.65 dogs are suffering with cancer

1:3 cats are suffering with cancer

If we include other chronic degenerative diseases like arthritis, allergies, autoimmune disease and obesity, nearly 100% of dogs and cats have 1 or more of these conditions.

What if you had early detection tools to accurately diagnose deficiencies and toxicities?

What if you were able to eliminate chronic relapses?

Are you ready to make a significant impact in your patients health and well-being?

I Believe Knowledge Is Power!

The only way to achieve the health outcomes we desire for ourselves and our fur babies is to regain our power and understand how the body works so we can make informed decisions.

Expand our knowledge

Expand our toolkit

Expand our belief systems

Before you lose another patient...

Before you tell a client "There's nothing more we can do"...

Join the many integrative veterinarians that are successfully impacting the health and longevity of their fur patients.

Now Is The Time!

Take part in this on-demand 6 Module course to add more to your toolkit and how you can best support your client's pets to achieve a life of thriving, not surviving.

Don't Wait!

Your next patient is depending on you!

Disclaimers: All sales are final and non-refundable.
The courses are intended for educational and informational purposes only and is solely meant to serve as a self-help tool for your own use. We do not provide medical or nutritional therapy advice. Therefore, you should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without first consulting your own veterinarian. Always take the advice of your own veterinarian or medical provider regarding your specific pet’s situation. Read full page with terms and conditions